Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Unit VI Vocabulary List

Don't forget to keep up with your reading!  Your Unit VI vocabulary will be due on test day, which is scheduled for November 2.  Please remember to number your terms as they are numbered here!!!    These terms must be hand written!!!  There are 44 terms, so START NOW!!!
  1. Learning
  2. Habituation
  3. Associative Learning
  4. Classical Conditioning
  5. Behaviorism
  6. Unconditioned Response
  7. Unconditioned Stimulus
  8. Conditioned Response
  9. Conditioned Stimulus
  10. Acquisition
  11. Higher-Order Conditioning
  12. Extinction
  13. Spontaneous Recovery
  14. Generalization
  15. Discrimination
  16. Learned Helplessness
  17. Respondent Behavior
  18. Operant Conditioning
  19. Operant Behavior
  20. Law of Effect
  21. Operant Chamber
  22. Shaping
  23. Discriminative Stimulus
  24. Reinforcer
  25. Positive Reinforcement
  26. Negative Reinforcement
  27. Primary Reinforcer
  28. Conditioned Reinforcer
  29. Continuous Reinforcement
  30. Partial Reinforcement
  31. Fixed-Ratio Schedule
  32. Variable-Ratio Schedule
  33. Fixed-Interval Schedule
  34. Variable-Interval Schedule
  35. Punishment
  36. Cognitive Map
  37. Latent Learning
  38. Insight
  39. Intrinsic Motivation
  40. Extrinsic Motivation
  41. Observational Learning
  42. Modeling
  43. Mirror Neurons
  44. Prosocial Behavior

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