Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Unit IV Vocabulary List

Don't forget to keep up with your reading!  We may have a reading quiz soon...  Your Unit IV vocabulary will be due on test day, which is scheduled for October 12.  Please remember to number your terms as they are numbered here!!!  From now on I will not accept any form of typed vocabulary!  These terms must be hand written!!!  There are 63 terms, so START NOW!!!
  1. Sensation
  2. Perception
  3. Bottom-Up Processing
  4. Top-Down Processing
  5. Selective Attention
  6. Inattentional Blindness
  7. Change Blindness
  8. Psychophysics
  9. Absolute Threshold
  10. Signal Detection Theory
  11. Subliminal
  12. Priming
  13. Difference Threshold
  14. Weber's Law
  15. Sensory Adaptation
  16. Transduction
  17. Wavelength
  18. Hue
  19. Intensity
  20. Pupil
  21. Iris
  22. Lens
  23. Retina
  24. Accomodation
  25. Rods
  26. Cones
  27. Optic Nerve
  28. Blind Spot
  29. Fovea
  30. Feature Detectors
  31. Parallel Processing
  32. Yount-Helmholtz Trichromatic Theory
  33. Opponent-Process Theory
  34. Audition
  35. Frequency
  36. Pitch
  37. Middle Ear
  38. Cochlea
  39. Inner Ear
  40. Place Theory
  41. Frequency Theory
  42. Conduction Hearing Loss
  43. Sensorineural Hearing Loss
  44. Cochlear Implant
  45. Kinesthesis
  46. Vestibular Sense
  47. Gate-Control Theory
  48. Sensory Interaction
  49. Gestalt
  50. Figure-Around
  51. Grouping
  52. Depth Perception
  53. Visual Cliff
  54. Binocular Cues
  55. Retinal Disparity
  56. Monocular Cues
  57. Phi Phenomenon
  58. Perceptual Constancy
  59. Color Constancy
  60. Perceptual Adaptation
  61. Perceptual Set
  62. Extrasensory Perception (ESP)
  63. Parapsychology

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