Monday, October 3, 2011

Unit IIIC Outline

I. Behavior Genetics: Predicting Individual Differences
-IF two super athletes
Get married
Have a kid
The kid ends up being a super athlete
-Who gets credit?
-How much is nature?
-How much is nurture?
A. Genes: Our Codes for Life
-EVERY cell nucleus contains DNA
-46 Chromosomes
-23 from each parent
-Each chromosome is made up of DNA
-Small segments of DNA called Genes
-Active or Inactive
-96%-99.4% similarity
B. Twin and Adoption Studies
-Laboratory study would be unethical
-Twin studies allow us to study genetic similarities and environmental -differences and vice versa.
i. Identical Versus Fraternal Twins
-Identical twins-genetically identical (kind of)
-Same genes-different number of copies
-Most share a placenta, but some do not
-Fraternal twins-just siblings.  Genetically different
-Genes matter!!!  Divorce rate
ii. Separated Twins
-Jim Lewis and Jim Springer
-Oskar Stohr and Jack Yufe
-Anecdotal evidence?
-iii. Biological Versus Adoptive Relatives
-Genetic relatives (biological) vs environmental relatives (adoptive)
-In personality traits, adoptees are more like their parents (biological)
-Attitudes, values, manners, faith, and politics
C. Heritability
-Genetic influence explains 50% of the observed variation among people…
-NOT 50% genetic 50% environment…
i. Group Differences
-Heritable differences between individuals does not imply heritable group differences
-Peaceful Scandinavians or Ruthless Vikings
ii. Nature and Nurture
-Influence of adaptation (shoes or no shoes)
-Genes and environment go hand in hand (African butterfly)
-Alcoholism-Heritability doesn’t mean inevitability
D. Gene-Environment Interaction
-It takes two to tango…
-Neither genetics or experience solely account for behavior
E. The New Frontier: Molecular Genetics
-Seeking out specific genes that influence behavior
-No single “obesity” gene
-Location of multiple genes that “trigger” certain behaviors
-Prenatal DNA scans in China
II. Evolutionary Psychology: Understanding Human Nature
-Evolutionary Psych
-What makes us so alike as humans
-Competition for survival
-Biological and behavioral
A. Natural Selection and Adaptation
-Domestication of animals (the fox)
-More than 30 generations of mating the top 5% tamest
B. Evolutionary Success Helps Explain Similarities
     -95% of genetic variation exists within populations
i. Outdated Tendencies
-The need for sweets and fats…
-Hard to come by in ancient times, not so hard now
-Biological tendencies from the past are harming us today
ii. Evolutionary Psychology Today
-Infants and fear of strangers at walking age
-Biological fathers less likely to harm their children
-Phobias about guns and electricity?
-Universal thought?  Collective unconsciousness
C. An Evolutionary Explanation of Human Sexuality
-Men and women are very similar!
-Adaptation was different
i. Gender Differences in Sexuality
-Men have a stronger sex drive
-Misattribution of friendliness as sexual interest
ii. Natural Selection and Mating Preferences
-Survival of the “fittest”
-What is considered “attractive”
-Science shows that both men and women have specific desires
D. Critiquing the Evolutionary Perspective
-Backwards reasoning is dangerous

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