Thursday, September 22, 2011

Unit IIIA Outline

I. Neural Communication
Information systems of humans very similar
Ease of study (squid, sea slugs, primates)
Cars are different, but have similar parts
Engines, Accelerators, Steering Wheels, Brakes
A. Neurons
Three “types”
Sensory Neurons-Sensory receptors to the brain and spinal cord
Motor Neurons-Brain and spinal cord out to muscles and glands
Interneurons-Neurons in the brain and spinal cord that act between sensory input and motor output
Information traveling at phenomenal speeds
Anywhere from 2 to 200 Mph
Measured in milliseconds (thousandths of seconds)
Firing of a neuron
Action Potential-A neural impulse
Ions-Positively and negatively charged
Resting Potential-Positive outside/negative inside
Selective permeability
Firing of a neuron
Refractory period
Excitatory (accelerator) vs Inhibitory (brake)
All or none response (like a gun)
B. How Neurons Communicate
Synapse-The junction between the axon tip of the sending neuron and the dendrite or cell body of the receiving neuron
Synaptic gap or cleft
Neurotransmitters-Chemicals that travel across the synaptic gap and bind to receptor sites
Reuptake-Waste not, want not.  Reabsorption of neurotransmitters by the sending neuron
C. How Neurotransmitters Influence Us
i. How Drugs and Other Chemicals Alter Neurotransmission
Agonists vs Antagonists
Agonists mimic the effects of neurotransmitters
Antagonists block a neurotransmitters functioning
II. The Nervous System
A. The Peripheral Nervous System
Made up of the Somatic and Autonomic systems
Somatic-AKA-Skeletal Nervous System
Voluntary movement
Autonomic-AKA-”Automatic” Nervous System
Involuntary movement
Divided into the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems
B. The Central Nervous System
40 billion neurons in the brain
Each connected to 10,000 other neurons
Grain of sand contains 100,000 neurons and 1,000,000,000 synapses
Reflexes (knee jerk)
III. The Endocrine System
“Snail Mail”
Endocrine messages outlast neural messages
Upset feeling linger
Adrenal glands on top of kidneys

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