Friday, September 2, 2011

Unit II Vocabulary List

Don't forget to keep up with your reading!  We may have a reading quiz soon...  Your Unit II vocabulary will be due on test day, which is scheduled for September 14.Please remember to number your terms as they are numbered here!!!

  1. Hindsight Bias
  2. Critical Thinking
  3. Theory
  4. Hypothesis
  5. Operational Definition
  6. Replication
  7. Case Study
  8. Survey
  9. Population
  10. Random Sample
  11. Naturalistic Observation
  12. Correlation
  13. Correlation Coefficient
  14. Scatterplot
  15. Illusory Correlation
  16. Experiment
  17. Random Assignment
  18. Double-Blind Procedure
  19. Placebo Effect
  20. Experimental Group
  21. Control Group
  22. Independent Variable
  23. Confounding Variable
  24. Dependent Variable
  25. Mode
  26. Mean
  27. Median
  28. Range
  29. Standard Deviation
  30. Normal Curve
  31. Statistical Signifigance
  32. Culture
  33. Informed Consent
  34. Debriefing

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