Friday, December 2, 2011

Unit VII Exam

The Unit VII Exam will be on Monday.  That is December 5!  Due that day is:

-VII A Vocabulary
-VII B Vocabulary
-VII A Outline
-VII B Outline
-VII A Review
-VII B Review
-VII A Quizzes
-VII B Quizzes

There will be 75 questions on the exam...  Here are 20 of them

Question 1: The process of getting information out of memory is called...

Question 2: Effortful processing can occur only with...

Question 3: Which term best describes parallel processing?

Question 4: Rephrasing material in your own words is an effective way of facilitating...

Question 5: The tendency to think of objects only in terms of their normal uses is called...

Question 6: Mistakenly concluding that the forgetful acts of an older person must be indicative of Alzheimer's disease best illustrates the impact of...

Question 7: The use of acronyms to improve one's memory of unfamiliar material best illustrates the value of...

Question 8: Semantics refers to the...

Question 9: The tendency to immediately recall the first and last items in a list better than the middle items is known as the _____ effect.....

Question 10: A flashbulb memory would typically be stored in _____ memory...

Question 11: Word meaning is to word order as _____ is to _____...

Question 12: Cognitive psychologists are most directly concerned with the study of...

Question 13: The spontaneous utterance of a variety of sounds by infants is called...

Question 14: Mentally segmenting others spoken sounds into individual words best illustrates a 7-month-old's capacity for...

Question 15: B.F. Skinner emphasized the importance of _____ in language acquisition.

Question 16: By shrinking the hippocampus, prolonged stress is most likely to inhibit the process of...

Question 17: Encoding that occurs with no effort or a minimal level of conscious attention is known as...

Question 18: Your consciously activated but limited-capacity memory is called _____ memory.

Question 19: Chomksy suggested that diverse human languages share a...

Question 20: Proactive interference refers to the...

I apologize for misspelled words.  I typed these as fast as possible so that you would have them available to you sooner!


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